Envase Insights

Drayage, Intermodal, and Supply Chain News

History of the Shipping Container

How Waiting for a Truck to Unload Created a Whole New Industry

Imagine waiting a week to unload a cargo ship—that was life before containers Ships loaded high with rectangular containers. Giant cranes lowering containers in stacks or onto waiting trailers. Containers moving seamlessly from ship to port to truck to warehouse. This is how we picture cargo moving in today’s interconnected economy. But it wasn’t always

History of the Shipping Container

How Waiting for a Truck to Unload Created a Whole New Industry

Imagine waiting a week to unload a cargo ship—that was life before containers Ships loaded high with rectangular containers. Giant cranes lowering containers in stacks or onto waiting trailers. Containers moving seamlessly from ship to port to truck to warehouse. This is how we picture cargo moving in today’s interconnected economy. But it wasn’t always

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